
The fine print.

If you’re at least 18 years old and can answer “yes” to all of the questions below, then you’re eligible for membership with CarShare Vermont. 

Do you have a valid driver’s license from your permanent state of residence?

  • Permanent State of Residence: This generally refers to the state you call home. If you just moved to Vermont, it’s Vermont law to acquire a VT license within 60 days of residency.

    PA & UT licenses: if applying with Pennsylvania or Utah license, you must download your motor vehicle record (MVR) yourself and send it to info@carsharevt.org in order to complete the application process. The fee for retrieving your record will be refunded as driving credits upon approval. (Pennsylvania MVR website | Utah MVR website)

  • Foreign Licenses: If you’re licensed in another country, you’ll need to provide a copy of your license issued by your home country and a copy of your driving record from your home country. Driving record documents vary from country to country, but should state when your license was first issued and record any violations or suspensions from recent years. If your license is not in English, you will also need to have an international driving permit as well as a translated copy of your driving record. Documents should be sent to info@carsharevt.org. Applicants are encouraged to email in advance of applying to verify that their documents are sufficient.

I'm 18 years old - will I be approved for membership?

You need to have had your license (a learner’s permit doesn’t count) for a full 2 years to be eligible, which means that many 18 year olds will not be eligible right on their birthday. If you meet all other eligibility requirements, however, we welcome you to apply!

Have you had your current license for at least two consecutive years?

If you’re unsure, you’ll be asked to provide your previous license number(s) so we can search your prior driving records. If you’re not sure how to find your previous license number(s), try these options:

  • Check with your previous insurer
  • DMV online (usually a $10 processing fee)
  • Ask previous employers

If you’ve had any suspensions within the past two years, you may not meet this requirement. Feel free to contact us to ask.

If you haven’t had a driver’s license for at least two consecutive years, you are not eligible for membership at this time.

Do you have a clean driving record?

If you have any of the following major moving violations on your record, we cannot accept you as a member at this time:

  • Driving while Suspended/Revoked and/or Invalid License
  • Vehicular manslaughter
  • Excessive speed
  • Excessive disregard for red lights/stop signs
  • Reckless driving
  • Leaving the scene of an accident

Additionally, if in the past three (3) years you have more than one (1) at-fault accident and/or more than two (2) minor moving violations, we cannot accept you as a member at this time.