Mission & Vision
Our mission is to provide an affordable, convenient, and reliable alternative to private car ownership that enhances the environmental, economic, and social wellbeing of our region and planet.
Founded by local people who care about our community, our vision is a region in which individuals, businesses, and other organizations meet their transportation needs while owning fewer vehicles, and as a result improve the environment, enhance community health, and save money.

We envision a community in which:
Land is devoted to proactive uses such as housing, businesses, and community green space instead of parking.
Housing is more affordable because less real estate is devoted to parking.
There is a truly multimodal transportation system, and the supply of numerous alternatives provides seamless mobility and access.
The health of the environment (air quality in particular) is improved by significantly reduced car use and the appropriate application of low-emission vehicle technology.
Residents are healthier from walking and biking more.
Why non-profit?
CarShare Vermont is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Rather than focusing on our bottom line alone, we strive to provide an accessible and affordable service that reduces overall car use and improves mobility for people of all income levels.
If turning a profit was our primary goal, we might be forced to encourage people to drive our cars more than their own, or our pricing would reflect a service that only a few could afford.
Finally, we believe that financial self-sufficiency is simply a more sustainable goal — this means we intend to stick around, and put every dollar we earn back into CarShare Vermont and the community we love.